Does the combination of white water, adrenaline and spectacular views excite you? If yes, then a serious fun white water riverboarding trip is for you.
Select the board you want to ride based on the level of adrenaline you would like to experience. Choose between Drifting, Sledging or Riversurfing and prepare for a trip of a lifetime. Relish in the incredible scenery that your unique river boarding trip provides.

Dress for the water temperature.
Jogging suits and cagoules are a good choice.
Wetsuits underneath maybe needed in colder water.
Level 1 Drifting
Enjoy the scenery, go with the flow. If you're not so keen on a full on adrenaline pumping white water experience then the Level 1 Drifting experience is for you. Gently float through the calm waters of the river. You'll still experience the mighty power the river unveils but at a gentler pace. Ease into the water and meander down the river taking in the breathtaking scenery and learn about some of the history this glacial river holds.

Level 2 Sledging
Master the river, be in control. White water sledging, or hydrospeed, first originated in the late 1970’s, when some innovative Frenchmen decided it would be fun to fill some bags full of life jackets and float downstream. Since then, it has really taken off, with its popularity in Europe propelling it into a professional sporting genre.
This amazingly simple and fun activity uses purpose designed river sledges to float you along a course, while you have full control via the flippers on your feet. You rest your chest on the board with your arms tucked inside for grip and support, while your flipper-fins provide propulsion and steering. You don’t need any experience to enjoy this awesome adrenaline rush. All you need to do is jump on and go!
With a river-level view of the gorgeous surrounding scenery, you simply propel yourself through the series of exciting rapids and play holes along the river course. As you have full control at all times, you get to determine the level of thrills you want to experience. You will be amazed at how fun white water sledging is, so jump in and have a sledging good time!
Navigate grade 2/3 white water on purpose built river sledges. With its sturdy nature, sitting higher in the water and easy to hold appeal the maneuverable sledge is a step down from the body board but don't be fooled, you are still right in the action.
Tackle the strong currents, fast flowing water, waves and whirlpools
all whilst enjoying the incredible surroundings.
Your adrenaline will certainly be pumping as you bash through the rapids
but you'll also enjoy a calm section where you can simply breathe
and take in the beautiful wilderness surrounding you.
Level 3 Riversurfing
Challenge yourself to our top rush. Master a stretch of white water on a bodyboard. Conquer grade 2-4 rapids as you are led by your experienced riversurfing guide. Not only will you be riding the powerful body of white water on the river but you'll also be able to test your skills at surfing the waves, whirl pools, and eddy lines.
For those that are brave enough to take it to the next level you can catch some underwater currents.
The vigorous river is full of challenges and this level 3 experience is sure to test your nerves and skills!